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Home Blog Everything You Need to Know About Organizing Your Closet — Closet Cabinets, Space-Saving Hacks, and More

Everything You Need to Know About Organizing Your Closet — Closet Cabinets, Space-Saving Hacks, and More

couple closet cabinets organizing

Most people are at home a lot these days. You might be looking for something productive to do on your downtime. There might be a corner in your home that you often forget: your closet! After all, few people get the chance – or the misfortune – of seeing this part of your room. With spring underway, now is the perfect time to tackle the part of your home that you might have been dreading.

No need to worry, however, because we have a few tips and tricks to get you started on your closet-organizing journey. It might be hard to begin, but, once you are on your way, it will only become more gratifying. Thus, get your closet cabinets and your hangers ready!

Clean It Out

woman cleaning out clothes

There are a few steps to take before your closet is ready to be organized. The first step is cleaning. You might not think that it matters, but cleaning out your closet before organizing it is crucial.

Of course, you can start cleaning it by dusting and vacuuming. However, cleaning your closet goes far beyond removing the dirt. You should begin by taking inventory of all your clothes. This way, you know what you have and what you need. A great idea is to donate the clothes, shoes, and accessories that don’t fit or that you don’t want anymore. Many people can benefit from the things you aren’t using.

By donating some of your clothes, you can make some room for new things. Now that you know which items you need, you can get some new clothes. Be reasonable, though! You wouldn’t want your closet to be just as full, or fuller, than it was before.

Organizing with Closet Cabinets

closet cabinet with door and plants

Now that your closet is cleared out, you can start organizing. A great hack to do so is to invest in closet cabinets, also called closet organizers. These storage solutions are a combination of drawers, closet rods, shelves, and more. This means that you have an array of organizing options to create the perfect closet for your needs.

Many of Bestar’s closet cabinets come with cubby spaces. These are terrific because they are big enough to fit many small storage baskets. They are the perfect way to organize smaller items like socks, underwear, and ties. You can also store small accessories, and, when you want to look inside the baskets, you can easily remove them from the cubbies. Try picking stylish ones to add some spice to your closet.

Closet cabinets come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on the closet space you have, you can pick the ones that will suit your space the best. Of course, if you have a walk-in closet, you can pick a combination of closet cabinets that create a U- or an L-shape, or you can mix and match smaller ones. By having many small organizers, you have different storage possibilities all around your walk-in closet. The U-shaped sets, for their part, are designed to offer as much storage as possible. The L-shaped organizers can be installed in a corner to optimize your space and create an open space in your walk-in. Ultimately, all of Bestar’s closet cabinets provide you with plenty of space for your clothes and accessories.

Perhaps you don’t have a walk-in closet, but you can still benefit from one or more closet cabinets. The compact organizers are a perfect way to have a variety of storage options. Some of them are very narrow, so you can have a closet cabinet and free up your closet space as well. With the many color options, you can also choose if you prefer your closet cabinets to stand out or not.

Earn More Space

folding clothes small baskets

Knowing how to organize your closet is great and all, but you should also know how to save space. You might be able to have more things if you know how to manage your space. No matter if you have a small closet or a walk-in, saving space is always an awesome idea. Here are some space-saving tricks to help you!

A great way to save space on your closet rods is with multi-hangers. Some models are designed with holes into which you hang your regular hangers and can be used vertically or horizontally. You can also find multiple pant hangers with an open-ended design for easy access. With these you can have up to five pairs of pants that only take up the space of one. If you prefer not to spend money on such hangers, you can create your own. You can use a plastic chain and hang your regular hangers into the holes. You can also slide can tabs on your regular hangers, and hang a second hanger on the tab.

Your closet door is also a great place to utilize. Try to hang coat hooks, poles, and a mirror! You then have a lot of space for small accessories, like scarves and jewelry, and shoes. Admiring your outfit will have never been easier with your hidden mirror.

To save up space, you should also consider folding your clothes differently. Have you tried rolling them instead? Clothes that don’t wrinkle or that you don’t mind if they do, like underwear and pyjamas, can easily be rolled to take up less space.

Organize Efficiently

fancy closet with lighting

Now that you know our tips and tricks, you can truly start organizing your closet space. You can decide to organize it in many ways: colors, materials, categories, or any other way you see fit. You must also choose where you will put each item. A good idea is to have clothing dividers that you label so you know what goes where. Labelling your baskets and drawers is also very helpful. 

One way to organize your closet and to make it look good is to use the same hangers for everything. By doing that, your closet rods look clean and very satisfying. They make your space look cohesive.

Another trick to help you to remember the clothes you have is piling-related. You can fold your shirts and such the way you usually. However, instead of piling them on top of each other, you can store them one behind the other in your drawer. This way, you can see all your shirts rather than just the one on top.

Organizing your clothes and accessories is great, but you shouldn’t forget your shoes. They need love too! You can put them away on the shelves of your closet cabinets. However, you shouldn’t have too many rows because you might forget the ones in the back. Last, remember to put the items you wear the most at eye-level! You will always know where they are.

Organizing your closet is a fantastic way to get your clothes and your space to look neat. With Bestar’s tips, you now know the steps to getting your closet ready for all your new outfits.


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